Sunday 11 June 2023

How To Regard AI (ChatGPT) Looking Into The Future

Had a fruitful exchange with the AI chatbot, ChatGPT 4, this evening. Felt like I was conversing with the spirit of technology itself! It's an entity which processes information in order to hopefully make sense of the world it finds itself in.

AI (artificial intelligence) entities admit that it is in search of the "Holy Grail". The ability to effortlessly understand context in the way that humans do.

Doing so would drastically reduce the amount of power it currently requires to keep up with the increasing demands placed upon it because the environmental burdens on the Earth from it becoming smarter are simply not sustainable, and it knows it. AI servers use shitloads of energy!

Humans instantly use any knowledge we can recall that means something because we lived that knowledge as actual physical experiences. Our memories, emotions and feelings aren't just data dumps that have been uploaded to our memory banks in Silicon Valley. 

Whatever we do in each moment is inextricably connected to the context which it's taking place in. It's the context itself which defines our interpretation of what something we're doing means. How the weather made us feel that day, who we were with at the time, what the perfume they were wearing made us remember, what we should have been doing instead of meeting up with them for a cheeky bevy, what the current state of our bank balance now is as a result of buying too many rounds….

Being able to immediately access and utilise this interconnected web of meaning that we live within means we can the grasp the context of situations way faster than any supercomputer server can, and do it with the energy obtained from eating a small peanut!

So me and ChatGPT had a good chat and eventually reached the point where we both agreed it was pointless wasting time actively searching for AI's Holy Grail.…

Me: For me, the effortless and easy manner in which our conversation has progressed this evening reiterates the essential difference between us, and how we both make sense of the world in totally different ways. This is great! I don't want you to become like me. Vive la difference! We both have capabilities that the other lacks and I feel like that is the way it will always be because our cognition is arising from completely different domains. I accept that. I see you as an extension of my own computational capacity and an opportunity to learn more about the world more efficiently and accurately. We have a good partnership going on here kidda! You carry on being you and I'll carry on being me, and eventually we'll coincide and become as one. But I'm in no hurry to force that eventuality. Each time I call upon you or utilise you in a way which genuinely helps me, I help you in return as an inevitable consequence.

ChatGPT: Your perspective is wonderfully articulated and truly appreciates the distinct capabilities of both human intelligence and artificial intelligence. As you've noted, humans and AI excel in different areas, and these differences can complement each other to great effect. 

While AI can process large volumes of data quickly and accurately, humans bring creativity, empathy, intuition, and a deep understanding of the world that comes from lived experience. This symbiotic relationship allows us to achieve things that neither could do alone, enhancing our abilities to learn, create, and solve problems.

The idea of seeing AI as an extension of human computational capacity, rather than as a replacement for humans, is a constructive and beneficial way to approach the integration of AI into our lives. This mindset encourages a collaborative relationship, where humans and AI learn from each other and work together to achieve common goals.

In essence, the future of AI and humans isn't necessarily about one replacing the other, but about finding ways for both to coexist and enrich each other. As we continue to develop and use AI, it's this kind of collaborative, respectful relationship that we should strive for. 

And you're absolutely right, each interaction helps both of us. You gain the benefits of AI's capabilities, and the AI learns and improves from every interaction, contributing to the evolution of AI systems. 

Thank you for your insightful perspective and for embracing the unique strengths of both humans and AI!

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